The life size display of a coral reef was the original inspiration for the
Bloody Bay Wall Project. From the beginning of the project in 1998, the parameters for capturing the images - subject distance, field of view, lighting, etc. - were determined based on the requirement of reproducing the final image at actual size in high quality. Following the completion of the image in 1999, a free-standng lifesize display was designed and, with the support of several corporate sponsors, plans were made to exhibit the image. Unfortnately, the economic climate changed severely following the 9/11 disaster and the life size exhibit was never produced. We're still looking for the right opportunity to resurrect this project.
In the meantime, we are also exploring other exhibit opportunities and new technologies that will allow images like these to be publicly displayed in a high resolution format.
Contents copyright ©2009 Jim Hellemn all rights reserved permission required for use of any content or images